Symposium Broadcast
Symposium Organizers

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of Sciences

A.N. Kosygin Russian State University

Russian Chemical Society named after D.I. Mendeleev

The Russian Academy of Engineering (RAE)

Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations

Eurasian information analytical consortium

Moscow State University of Food Production

Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry named after N.S. Kurnakov (RAS of the Russian Federation)

A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology
- Committee of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations on the problems of energy-efficient chemical technologies
- Committee of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations on the Problems of Drying and hydrothermal processing of materials
With financial support

Chemfood LLC
International Scientific Organizing Committee
Abiyev R.F. prof. (Russia),
Akulich A. prof. (Belarus),
Akulich P. prof. (Belarus),
Alves-Filho O. prof. (Norway),
Babkin V.V. prof. (Russia),
Balykhin M.G. prof. (Russia),
Belgorodsky V.S. prof. (Russia),
Berthiaux Henri prof. (France),
Blinichev V.N. prof. (Russia),
Bokova E.S. prof. (Russia),
Dang Vu Minh, prof. (Vietnam),
David Fletcher, prof. (Australia),
Ditl P. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Dmitry Yu. Murzin, prof. (Finland),
Dornyak O.R. prof. (Russia),
Drukarenko S.P. dr. (Russia),
Faïçal Larachi, prof. (Canada),
Fedosov S.V. Acad. RAACS (Russia),
Gerhardt Ribatski, prof. (Brazil),
Gulyaev Yu.V. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Gusev B.V. Corr. RAS (Russia),
Ivanov V.V. Corr. RAS (Russia),
Jirout T. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Khmelev V. N. Prof. (Russia)
Kholkin A.I. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Kildeeva N.R. prof. (Russia),
Kiwi-Minsker Lioubov, prof. (Switzerland),
Akulich A. prof. (Belarus),
Akulich P. prof. (Belarus),
Alves-Filho O. prof. (Norway),
Babkin V.V. prof. (Russia),
Balykhin M.G. prof. (Russia),
Belgorodsky V.S. prof. (Russia),
Berthiaux Henri prof. (France),
Blinichev V.N. prof. (Russia),
Bokova E.S. prof. (Russia),
Dang Vu Minh, prof. (Vietnam),
David Fletcher, prof. (Australia),
Ditl P. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Dmitry Yu. Murzin, prof. (Finland),
Dornyak O.R. prof. (Russia),
Drukarenko S.P. dr. (Russia),
Faïçal Larachi, prof. (Canada),
Fedosov S.V. Acad. RAACS (Russia),
Gerhardt Ribatski, prof. (Brazil),
Gulyaev Yu.V. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Gusev B.V. Corr. RAS (Russia),
Ivanov V.V. Corr. RAS (Russia),
Jirout T. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Khmelev V. N. Prof. (Russia)
Kholkin A.I. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Kildeeva N.R. prof. (Russia),
Kiwi-Minsker Lioubov, prof. (Switzerland),
Kosheleva M.K. prof. (Russia),
Krawczyk J. prof. (Poland),
Kulov N.N. prof. (Russia),
Leontiev L.I. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Lesovik V.S. acad. RAACS (Russia),
Levitsky S.P. prof. (Israel),
Lukachevsky B.P. dr. (Russia),
Mark Simmons, prof. (UK),
Martin Woerner, prof. (Germany),
Martine Poux, prof. (France),
Martyn Poliakoff, prof. (UK),
Mechtcherin Victor prof. (Germany),
Meshalkin V.P. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Mizonov V.E. prof. (Russia),
Mujumdar Arun S, prof. (Canada, Singapore),
Pavlyukevich N.V. Corr. NAS R. Belarus (Belarus),
Rieger F. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Ritunesh Kumar, prof. (India),
Rudobashta S.P. prof. (Russia),
Smechowski Krzysztof, prof. (Poland),
Środulska-Krawczyk Małgorzata, prof. (Poland),
Tapio Salmi, prof. (Finland),
Tsivadze A.Yu. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Turaev A.S. acad. Academy of Sciences of R.Uzbekistan
Volker Hessel, prof. (Netherlands),
Voshkin A.A. prof. (Russia)
Krawczyk J. prof. (Poland),
Kulov N.N. prof. (Russia),
Leontiev L.I. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Lesovik V.S. acad. RAACS (Russia),
Levitsky S.P. prof. (Israel),
Lukachevsky B.P. dr. (Russia),
Mark Simmons, prof. (UK),
Martin Woerner, prof. (Germany),
Martine Poux, prof. (France),
Martyn Poliakoff, prof. (UK),
Mechtcherin Victor prof. (Germany),
Meshalkin V.P. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Mizonov V.E. prof. (Russia),
Mujumdar Arun S, prof. (Canada, Singapore),
Pavlyukevich N.V. Corr. NAS R. Belarus (Belarus),
Rieger F. prof. (Czech Reb.),
Ritunesh Kumar, prof. (India),
Rudobashta S.P. prof. (Russia),
Smechowski Krzysztof, prof. (Poland),
Środulska-Krawczyk Małgorzata, prof. (Poland),
Tapio Salmi, prof. (Finland),
Tsivadze A.Yu. Acad. RAS (Russia),
Turaev A.S. acad. Academy of Sciences of R.Uzbekistan
Volker Hessel, prof. (Netherlands),
Voshkin A.A. prof. (Russia)
General information about the Symposium
The main directions of the Symposium
- Innovative methods to improve energy and resource efficiency of processes, equipment and production
- Research, engineering and design of processes and technological systems.
- Processes and systems for protecting the technosphere (industrial and environmental safety, risk management)
- Mathematical modeling, informatization and computerization of processes and technological systems
- Energy saving in technological processes and equipment of chemical, textile, light, food and other industries and agroindustrial complex
- Resource conservation in the processes and equipment of the chemical, textile, light, food and other industries and agriculture
- Modern heat and mass transfer processes in various industries (heating, cooling, evaporation, condensation, drying, adsorption, extraction, absorption, liquid extraction, rectification, membrane and ion exchange processes)
- Optimization and management of production facilities and processes